Livestock & Poultry Weight Gain Supplement
Improves productivity by stimulating weight gain and increases feed conversion efficiency in poultry (broilers and turkey), pigs, calves and cattle, and egg production in laying hens
- Flaveco contains flavophospholipol and was developed exclusively for nutritional use.
- Key benefits - Increased average daily gain (ADG), improved feed conversion efficiency (FCR), improved digestion of high fibre diets and increased milk yields and milk solids in dairy cattle
- Properties - Low inclusion rate, significant safety profile, nil withholding period, compatibility with other feed additives, high stability and palatable
- Used for over 25 years worldwide to improve growth rates
- Has been reported to be effective against some Gram-positive microorganisms and it restores the sensitivity of some antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as Salmonella, Shigella and E.coli
Pack sizes: 25kg
Available: Australia
Flaveco™ 5
Active constituents: Each kg contains: 5 g FLAVOPHOSPHOLIPOL
FLAVECO 5 contains flavophospholipol, an antibiotic with potent growth promotion properties that has been developed exclusively for nutritional use. It has been used for over 25 years worldwide to improve growth rates and feed conversion efficiency in poultry, pigs, piglets, calves, cattle and fur bearing animals. It is used solely as a performance enhancer and not as therapeutic agent.
Growth, safety and productivity